Friday 12 September 2014

7 Smart Ways WWE Can Bring Back Daniel Bryan 5

by Unknown  |  at  13:02

5. As A Surprise Member Of A Survivor Series Team

Let’s say that Bryan’s ready by Survivor Series. There’s a chance that it will happen. Brie Bella saying “three months” for his return could have been something she said in the end of August meaning that he’d be ready by the end of November. Guys can always get back before the estimated date. We’ve seen it happen plenty of times.
There can be a Survivor Series elimination match that sees four Authority members. Let’s say it’s Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Kane and even Triple H since Survivor Series is seen as a major show. For the babyface side it can be Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, John Cena (or any face) and then a partner of their choice. It could even be announce that they have a fourth guy, but The Authority takes him out on Raw the week before, so going into the match it’s a mystery if they have a fourth guy.
Imagine the ovation from the crowd if the three faces are sitting there waiting to take on this match 3 on 4 when all of a sudden Daniel Bryan’s music hits. The crowd would go wild for it. It would be an incredibly hot match. The great thing about being in a Survivor Series tag is that because it’s a 4 on 4 elimination tag Bryan wouldn’t have to work that much in it. They could protect him. Have him receive the hot tag, hit his offense, get the win for his team and everybody’s happy. From there they can slowly ease him back into action.


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