Friday, 12 September 2014

Top 5 things wrong with the WWE 1

by Unknown  |  at  01:59

#1 The Divas Division

Sure, they’re getting more spotlight than they did some time ago. The arrival of Total Divas has really put them on air, even if it does not amount to much time.
But what makes the WWE divas different from any other women in entertainment is their wrestling skill. At this moment, the industry can’t boast of having them in the majority. Apart from Natalya, AJ and Paige, not many on the main roster come to mind as being technically sound. Sure, Naomi is talented and Alicia Fox is underrated but the major spotlight that this division is getting is through the ridiculous Bellas feud. It hasn’t worked well at all. It’s as if both of them are competing to see who’s the worst actor.
All the while this has been going on, AJ and Paige’s feud has been relegated to the background such that there have been a lot of blink and miss moments.

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