Friday 12 September 2014

7 Smart Ways WWE Can Bring Back Daniel Bryan 3

by Unknown  |  at  13:05

3. A WWE Title Match Against Brock Lesnar At The Royal Rumble

If Daniel Bryan didn’t get hurt this year then it would have been Brock Lesnar challenging Bryan for the WWE Title at SummerSlam. The result of the match likely would have been similar to Lesnar/Cena because WWE has a goal of making Lesnar their monster heel they can build around for the next eight months.
Assuming Bryan is cleared before the end of the year, it might be a good idea to do Lesnar against Bryan at the Royal Rumble. It would be a match where Bryan would have the sympathy from the crowd as an underdog babyface not only because of his size, but his injury history also. Lesnar would probably win, but if they booked it smart with Bryan coming close to win then it would work. See last year’s Lesnar/CM Punk match at SummerSlam 2013 as an example of how to do it right.
Since Lesnar is currently under WWE contract until WrestleMania 31 in 2015, they will have to do Bryan vs. Lesnar soon if they want to do it. We don’t know if Lesnar is going to stick around after that or if he’s going to be done with WWE.
The only negative about doing a WWE Title Match against Lesnar at the Royal Rumble is that it would take Bryan out of the Rumble match for the second year in a row. He’s a big name whose presence would help the Rumble match, so perhaps there would be some reluctance on WWE’s part regarding Bryan’s involvement that night.


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