Tuesday 9 September 2014

10 worst match stipulations in Professional wrestling 1

by Unknown  |  at  11:29

#1 Triple Cage Match


The idea of three cages being stacked up around a ring may sound cool in the start but it was sure to change the opinion as the match progressed.
The prime example of how the match was messed up came in WCW where the company decided to throw in David Arquette (who is an actor with no wrestling experience at all), Jeff Jarrett and Diamond Dallas Page to battle it out for the WCW world championship.
Cage was divided into three compartments with the size getting smaller as we climbed further. In order to get into the second cell, the wrestlers had to go through a small hole in the first one by using a ladder. In the second cage there were weapons which they could use at their will.
And then there was the third cage where the men couldn’t even throw a proper swinging punch. The title was hanged on top of the third cage which surprisingly wasn’t taken by the first wrestler who reached there as he was busy waiting for his opponents to get up there.

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